Data Persistence of Pointers


Pointers are a special problem for persistent data types because there may be more than one pointer to the same object in a data structure. If this was dumped in a naive way, there would be two identical copies of the object in the dump, rather than one object and two pointers to it. It would also be impossible to dump a structure with back pointers because the dump mechanism would get stuck in an infinite recursion.

The dump function for a pointer will dump the object pointed to on the first visit to the object along with a unique magic key that identifies the object pointed to. The second time the object is visited (because there's a second pointer to it), only the magic key is dumped. On restoration, on first encounter with the object, the object is restored and added to a map along with its magic key. When the magic key is found again in the input stream, it is converted by the map into a pointer to the already-restored object.

Header persistent_pointers.hpp

You can include all of the pointer-handling functions in one go by including persistent_pointers.hpp. If you prefer however, you can include the separate headers for each class being used.

Persistent Pointer

There is a template function pair dump_pointer/restore_pointer which implements the algorithm described in the introduction. It assumes that a pointer points to a single object (for example, an int* points to an int). Pointers to arrays of objects cannot be supported in this way and will need to be hand-implemented (you need to know the size of the array as well to be able to dump it). You should be using vectors anyway!

template<typename T, typename D>
void stlplus::dump_pointer(stlplus::dump_context&, const T* const data, D dump_fn);

template<typename T, typename R>
void stlplus::restore_pointer(stlplus::restore_context&, T*& data, R restore_fn);

Thus, dump_pointer will dump a magic key to the file and then, if this is the first visit, it will call dump on the object being pointed to. You need to provide that dump function if it doesn't already exist. Similarly, the restore function restores the magic key, checks to see if it is a new key and if it is it restores the contents of the pointer. If it is an already-restored key, then it is simply mapped onto its target object.

Persistent char*

The one exception to the handling of pointers is char* which is treated as a null terminated array and not a pointer to a single char. It is treated as a basic type, not a pointer type - see persistence of basic types. However, multiple pointers to the same char array will be dumped once and the same magic key method used as for pointers to other types.

Persistent Cross-References

In principle, the approach described should cope with data structures of any complexity. However, there may be subtle side-effects with the approach - as there tend to be with recursive algorithms - which means that some data structures cannot be made persistent. I recomment that you design data structures in a top-down way, using STL and STLplus containers rather than linking structs with pointers. For example, use the digraph to represent arbitrary connections between objects rather than having a mess of pointers.

If you really need pointers between objects, design the data structure with a primary structure which is top-down and does all the memory management using containers. Then implement back- or up-links using pointers which are treated as cross-references, i.e. pointers that are used as simple addresses but which must not be deleted. The key to dumping such a structure is to determine the primary structure and dump that. Then, in a second pass, dump cross-references.

To support this situation, I provide a pair of functions for making such cross-references persistent. The rule is that the object referred to must be dumped before the cross-reference to it. In all other respects, it implements the magic key algorithm for persistence of pointers.

The interface is:

template<typename T>
void stlplus::dump_xref(stlplus::dump_context&, const T* const data);

template<typename T>
void stlplus::restore_xref(stlplus::restore_context&, T*& data);

The importance of dumping the primary structure first should be clear from this - dumping the primary links first causes the data structures to be dumped in this pass since each object will be visited for the first time. When back pointers or cross pointers are dumped, all the objects they are pointing to have already been dumped so only magic keys get dumped.

Persistence of Polymorphic Classes using Interfaces

In C++ you can define a superclass and then derive subclasses from it (some people prefer the terminology baseclass for superclass and derived class for subclass). This set of classes based on a common superclass is referred to as a set of Polymorphic classes.

Polymorphic classes are manipulated through a pointer to the superclass. The pointer can then point to any object of any subclass of the common superclass. Subclass-specific operations are provided through the use of virtual functions.

If this is still making no sense, you need to read a book on C++ since the purpose of this document is to explain the STLplus, not to teach C++ basics. Otherwise, the rest of this section is on how to make Polymorphic classes persistent.

Polymorphic classes represent a problem for persistence. So far all the persistence functions have used knowledge of the exact type of the object at compile time to select the correct dump or restore function. However, with polymorphism, only the superclass is known from the type of the pointer. The actual subclass being pointed to is unknown at compile time and must be determined at run time. This means that run-time type information must be used to determine the type. This is usually achieved by defining virtual methods.

This is the solution used to make polymorphic types persistent - although there is an alternative implementation that uses callback functions instead which is described in the next section.

The set of virtual functions used to make a class persistent is defined by an interface called persistent. To make a polymorphic class persistent, the first stage is to derive the base class of your family of polymorphic classes from this interface.

#include "persistent.hpp"

class base : public stlplus::persistent

The persistent interface defines a set of abstract methods that you must provide for all subclasses to be made persistent:

class stlplus::persistent
  virtual void dump(dump_context&) const = 0;
  virtual void restore(restore_context&) = 0;
  virtual persistent* clone(void) const = 0;
  virtual ~persistent(void) {}

The clone method is also required by the smart_ptr_clone container which is also used to store polymorphic classes, so once you've made a class persistent, you've automatically made it suitable for use in this smart pointer.

For an example of how to use this interface, see the examples.

Persistence of Polymorphic classes requires that every derivative class be registered with the dump_context or restore_context before the dump or restore operation commences. Furthermore, where there are many polymorphic types being handled, the order of registration must be the same for the restore operation as it was for the dump operation.

Consider first the dump operation. The stlplus::dump_context class provides the following method for registration:

unsigned short dump_context::register_interface(const std::type_info& info);

This is called once for each polymorphic type to be dumped.

The std::type_info type is obtained from the typeid operator which is built-in to C++ and provides a means of getting the type name from a type or expression as a char*. This is mapped internally onto a magic key which is an integer value unique to that subclass. The return value of the register_interface method is a magic key for that type and is used in the dump to differentiate between the different classes. There's no real reason for capturing this key except maybe for debugging the data stream. Keys are allocated in the order of registration of class types. This is why class types must be registered in the same order for both the dump and restore operations.

For the restore operation it is necessary to register a sample object of the class. This is because the restore operation creates objects of the class by cloning the sample.

The stlplus::restore_context class provides the following registration function:

typedef smart_ptr_clone<persistent> persistent_ptr;

unsigned short restore_context::register_interface(const persistent_ptr&);

The objects are registered in the same order as the types were registered into the dump context, because it is this ordering that provides the mapping from the unique key used in the dump to the correct sample object used in the restore.

Now that the classes are registered, the actual dump and restore of a superclass pointer is handled by the following functions:

template<typename T>
void stlplus::dump_interface(stlplus::dump_context&, const T* const data);

template<typename T>
void stlplus::restore_interface(stlplus::restore_context&, T*& data);

Note: since polymorphic types are handled in C++ via pointers, the same behaviour is implemented for multiple pointers to the same object as was implemented for simple pointers. When two pointers to the same object are dumped, they will be restored as pointers to the same object.

Persistence of Polymorphic Classes using Callbacks

The previous section described how polymorphic types could be made persistent in an object-oriented way through inheritance and virtual methods. However, it is not always possible to use this approach. For example, you might want to make a class persistent that you cannot change. Therefore an alternative solution is needed that uses a non-intrusive approach to persistence. In order to achieve this non-intrusive approach, I have provided the option to use dump and restore callbacks to perform the persistence functionality and not virtuals. The callbacks are associated with the subclass, which can be determined at run time. The callbacks are stored in the stlplus::dump_context object during the dump and in the stlplus::restore_context object during a restore.

During restore, it is also necessary to create an object of the right subclass before its restore callback can be called. The solution uses create callbacks rather than sample objects. A create callback is a function that, when called, creates an object and returns a pointer to it. In order to make the method as general as possible, the create callback returns this pointer as a void*.

Thus, the non-intrusive solution to persistence of polymorphic types requires no changes to existing classes - no extra virtual functions for example. However, the cost of this solution is that it does require three callback functions to be written for each subclass to be made persistent.

For an example of how to use this approach, see the examples.

The parameter profiles of the three callbacks is:

void dump_class(stlplus::dump_context& context, const void* data)
void* create_class(void)
void restore_class(stlplus::restore_context& context, void*& data)

The persistence of Polymorphic classes requires that every polymorphic class be registered with the dump_context or restore_context before the dump or restore operation commences. Furthermore, where there are many polymorphic types being handled, the order of registration must be the same for the restore operation as it was for the dump operation.

Consider first the dump operation. The dump_context class provides the following method for registration:

unsigned short dump_context::register_type(const std::type_info& info, dump_callback);

The dump_context::register_type method is called once for each polymorphic type to be dumped.

The std::type_info type is obtained from the typeid operator which is built-in to C++ and provides a means of getting the type name from a type or expression as a char*. This is mapped internally onto a magic key which is an integer value unique to that subclass. The return value of the register_type method is the magic key for that type and is used in the dump to differentiate between the different classes. There's no real reason for capturing this key except maybe for debugging the data stream. Keys are allocated in the order of registration of class types. This is why class types must be registered in the same order for both the dump and restore operations.

For the restore operation it is necessary to register both a create callback and a restore callback with the restore context. The restore_context class provides the following registration function:

unsigned short restore_context::register_type(create_callback,restore_callback);

The callbacks are registered in the same order as the types were registered into the dump context, because it is this ordering that provides the mapping from the unique key used in the dump to the correct create callback used in the restore.

Now that the callbacks are registered, the actual dump and restore of a superclass pointer is handled by the following functions:

template<typename T>
void dump_callback(dump_context&, const T* const data);

template<typename T>
void restore_callback(restore_context&, T*& data);

Note: since polymorphic types are handled in C++ via pointers, the same behaviour is implemented for multiple pointers to the same object as was implemented for simple pointers. When two pointers to the same object are dumped, they will be restored as pointers to the same object.

Installer Functions

An alternative way of registering either interfaces or callbacks is to wrap their registration up in an installer function. This installer can then be used to install all classes in a single step.

In fact, two installer functions are required - one for dumping and one for restoring. It is up to you to check that these installer functions install their callbacks in the same order. The type profiles for these installer functions are:

void (*dump_context::installer)(stlplus::dump_context&);
void (*restore_context::installer)(stlplus::restore_context&);

In other words, the installer type for a stlplus::dump_context is a pointer to a function that takes a stlplus::dump_context& and returns void. Similarly the installer type for a stlplus::restore_context is a pointer to a function that takes a stlplus::restore_context& and returns void. For the interface approach they might look like this:

void register_dumpers(stlplus::dump_context& context)

void register_restorers(stlplus::restore_context& context)

The functions can be called whatever you like. In use, after creating a dump or restore context, call the method register_all with the above installer function's name as the argument. For example, using the earlier example again, rewritten to use an installer:

stlplus::dump_context context(output);

Alternatively, an installer function can be used with the callback approach:

void register_dumpers(stlplus::dump_context& context)

void register_restorers(stlplus::restore_context& context)

Persistence of Smart Pointers

The STLplus smart pointer classes are a special case of template container classes in that they contain pointers to objects, whereas most template containers contain objects themselves. Therefore, persistence of smart pointers is implemented by calling the persistence functions for pointers.

There are two interpretations of pointers though: a simple pointer to an object of a known type and a polymorphic pointer which has the type of a pointer to a superclass but which can in fact point to any subclass of the pointer type. These two interpretations are handled by two variants of the smart pointer classes: the smart_ptr variant is intended for use with simple pointers and the smart_ptr_clone variant is intended for use with polymorphic pointers.

The smart_ptr variant therefore uses the persistence functions for simple pointers (see Persistent Pointer).

The smart_ptr_clone variant uses the persistence for polymorphic pointers. Indeed, both the interface approach (see Persistence of Polymorphic Classes using Interfaces) and callback approach (see Persistence of Polymorphic Classes using Callbacks) are implemented on the smart_ptr_clone class.

This gives three different implementations of persistence for smart pointers:

// smart_ptr - uses dump/restore_pointer on the contents

template<typename T, typename DE>
void stlplus::dump_smart_ptr(stlplus::dump_context&, const smart_ptr<T>& data, DE dump_element);

template<typename T, typename RE>
void stlplus::restore_smart_ptr(stlplus::restore_context&, smart_ptr<T>& data, RE restore_element);

// smart_ptr_clone using the polymorphic callback approach - uses dump/restore_callback on the contents

template<typename T>
void stlplus::dump_smart_ptr_clone_callback(stlplus::dump_context&, const smart_ptr_clone<T>& data);

template<typename T>
void stlplus::restore_smart_ptr_clone_callback(stlplus::restore_context&, smart_ptr_clone<T>& data);

// smart_ptr_clone using the interface approach - uses dump/restore_interface on the contents

template<typename T>
void stlplus::dump_smart_ptr_clone_interface(stlplus::dump_context&, const smart_ptr_clone<T>& data);

template<typename T>
void stlplus::restore_smart_ptr_clone_interface(stlplus::restore_context&, smart_ptr_clone<T>& data);