This package provides a tidy interface to the OS-specific operation of spawning a subprocess with optional pipes connecting the child's standard input, output and error streams to the parent process. Just about every possible use of subprocesses is covered by these classes.
There are two major motivations for having this set of classes:
Subprocesses are represented by objects of a subprocess class. This follows the C++ convention of containment, such that all recoverable resources are encapsulated in a class so that, for example, if an exception is thrown, the object destructor is called. In the case of the subprocess classes, the destructor kills the subprocess, thus recovering all resources associated with it.
There are two basic types of subprocess supported, each represented by a different class. These are the synchronous and asynchronous subprocess:
This is a subprocess which runs to completion before returning control to the parent process. In other words, you call a function to start the subprocess running and the function will not return until the subprocess has finished. This is the most common requirement for command-line tools. The synchronous process is made more useful by allowing one callback function to be run in the parent process during child execution. This callback function is typically used to write to the child's standard input and/or read from the child's standard output or (more rarely) the standard error. Synchronous subprocesses support blocking I/O to and from the child process.
This is a subprocess which runs in the background whilst the parent program can carry on doing other work. It is not a detached process though - you do have to keep checking on the status of the child process and you have to make sure the child is closed down correctly when it completes. This is probably the most common requirement for GUI tools. Asynchronous subprocesses support non-blocking I/O to and from the child process.
In both cases the standard input, output and error streams can either be left connected to the console or can be redirected through pipes to the parent process where they can be used by the parent program to communicate with the child. Each of the three streams can be redirected separately.
A common use of redirection is similar to the "backtick" operation used in Unix shells. This is where a command is run and its standard output captured and returned as a string. This common requirement is provided by a special backtick subprocess class which is derived from the synchronous subprocess class.
In addition to the subprocess classes, this package provides a complete set of utility functions for performing creating and manipulating the argument and environment vectors typically used when using subprocesses. Furthermore, platform-independent path lookup functions are provided in file_system.hpp
When creating subprocesses, there are a number of different behaviours required. For example, sometimes you want to perform path lookup on a command just like the shells do it. Other times you do not need path lookup. Furthermore, subprocesses require the command to be executed to be expressed as an argument vector (like the argv parameter passed to main), not as a string. Also, you may wish to change the environment of the subprocess to modify its behaviour compared with the parent process. Most of the time, you just want the subprocess to inherit the same environment being used by the parent process.
This package provides a set of functions and classes that allows the full set of permutations to be achieved when using the subprocess classes.
An argument vector is represented as a fixed C array of char*. This makes it difficult to manipulate, since you need to guess how big to make the array. Such guesswork is always bad practice since if you underestimate the size, the result is memory corruption and if you overkill, the result is large memory overhead with no benefit. To overcome this limitation, it makes sense to encapsulate the problem as a class that manages the argument vector and automatically resizes as necessary.
The class stlplus::arg_vector does exactly this. It is a class that not only manipulates argument vectors, but also allows the conversion to and from command lines, including the typical argument quoting required by these conversions. Furthermore, the conversion to and from command-lines is operating-system specific. On Unix, the command will be treated in a Bourne-shell compatible way. On Windows it will be treated in a DOS-shell compatible way.
The class interface is:
class stlplus::arg_vector { public: arg_vector (void); arg_vector (const arg_vector&); arg_vector (char**); arg_vector (const std::string&); arg_vector (const char*); ~arg_vector (void); arg_vector& operator = (const arg_vector&); arg_vector& operator = (char**); arg_vector& operator = (const std::string&); arg_vector& operator = (const char*); arg_vector& operator += (const std::string&); void insert (unsigned index, const std::string&); void clear (unsigned index); void clear (void); operator char** (void) const; char** argv (void) const; unsigned size (void) const; char* operator [] (unsigned index) const; char* argv0 (void) const; std::string image (void) const; friend otext& operator << (otext&, const arg_vector&); };
There are five constructors representing the likely behaviours required when building an arg_vector object:
This constructor creates an empty arg_vector object which can be built up in stages later using the += operator.
arg_vector::arg_vector (const stlplus::arg_vector&);
This constructor copies the arg_vector object (yes it is a copy).
arg_vector::arg_vector (char** argv);
This constructor converts from the char* argv[] format as used for example in the parameters to main() to the arg_vector object by copying the strings.
arg_vector::arg_vector (const std::string&); arg_vector::arg_vector (const char*);
These constructors convert the command string into an stlplus::arg_vector object. In the process it performs unquoting of arguments that are quoted, using standard Bourne shell rules on Unix and DOS-shell rules on Windows.
There are also assignment operations which allow the same constructions on a pre-existing stlplus::arg_vector object. These assignments clear the object, then build it using the same type-dependent rules as the constructors.
stlplus::arg_vector& arg_vector::operator += (const std::string&); void arg_vector::insert (unsigned index, const std::string&); void arg_vector::clear (unsigned index); void arg_vector::clear (void);
These methods allow the manipulation of an arg_vector by adding and removing arguments. The += operator simply appends an extra argument to the arg_vector object. No string processing or unquoting is done on the string, it is simply added by copying. Insert is a generalised form of this which allows an argument to be inserted anywhere. The clear function either clear one argument at a given index or clear the whole arg_vector. Bear in mind when constructing an arg_vector that argument 0 is the command name and subsequent arguments are its parameters.
char** arg_vector::argv (void) const; unsigned arg_vector::size (void) const; char* arg_vector::operator [] (unsigned index) const; char* arg_vector::argv0 (void) const;
These are four access functions which allow the arg_vector object to be examined. Of particular use is the argv0() function, which gives simple access to the first argument which is the command name. This could then be passed to the path_lookup() function for PATH lookup or simply passed as the first parameter to the subprocess fork function.
The arg_vector::argv() method allows the stlplus::arg_vector class to be used as a parameter to any function that takes an argument vector as an argument simply by returning a pointer to the internal data structure.
The operator[] is the index operator which allows each argument to be examined individually. The argument vector is null terminated, so you can index up to one item past the end of the arg_vector and test the return value being null to exit the loop. Alternatively you can use the size() function to find how many arguments are in the vector. The char* returned is a pointer to the internal data structure so this must not be deleted.
std::string arg_vector::image (void) const; friend std::ostream& arg_vector::operator << (std::ostream&, const stlplus::arg_vector&);
The arg_vector::image() function converts the argument vector into a string representation that could be used as a command line or just to print out the command about to be executed. The function performs quoting of dodgy arguments in an operating system dependent way, so the resultant command will be compatible with Bourne shell on Unix and DOS shell on Windows.
Finally, to complete the set, there is an output operator for printing out the arg_vector class, for example in debug diagnostics.
The environment is manipulated using a similar vector structure to argument vectors. However, extra functionality is required to find and manipulate individual variables, since each variable is represented as variable=value pairs, all concatenated as one entry in the vector. Class stlplus::env_vector is similar to class stlplus::arg_vector but has this extra functionality.
Furthermore, the env_vector has a different data structure on Unix (where it is a char**) and on Windows (where it is a char*). This difference is handled implicitly by the class, so you can write portable code without having to know the difference.
The interface is:
class stlplus::env_vector { public: env_vector (void); env_vector (const stlplus::env_vector&); ~env_vector (void); env_vector& operator = (const stlplus::env_vector&); void clear (void); void add (const std::string& name, const std::string& value); bool remove (const std::string& name); std::string operator [] (const std::string& name) const; std::string get (const std::string& name) const; unsigned size (void) const; std::pair<std::string,std::string> operator [] (unsigned index) const; std::pair<std::string,std::string> get (unsigned index) const; ENVIRON_TYPE envp (void) const; friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const stlplus::env_vector&); };
The void constructor in fact initialises the env_vector object from the current process, so this gives the expected behaviour when using subprocesses, giving the equivalent of the default rules (where child processes inherit from their parent). This also provides an easy way to access the current processes's env_vector in an operating-system independent way. The copy constructor and the assignment operator make copies of the env_vector.
void env_vector::add (const std::string& name, const std::string& value); bool env_vector::remove (const std::string& name); void env_vector::clear (void);
The env_vector is manipulated through the add and remove functions. The add function adds a variable as a name=value pair, whilst the remove function removes a variable from the environment, returning true if it existed. The clear function is unlikely to be used, but if it is, it removes all the variables.
std::string env_vector::operator [] (const std::string& name) const; std::string env_vector::get (const std::string& name) const; unsigned env_vector::size (void) const; std::pair<std::string,std::string> env_vector::operator [] (unsigned index) const; std::pair<std::string,std::string> env_vector::get (unsigned index) const;
The value of a variable can be found using the first get method or the index operator[] which takes the variable name as an argument. For example, to find the PATH, use:
stlplus::env_vector env; std::string path = env["PATH"];
Variables are case-sensitive on Unix but case-insensitive on Windows.
Alternatively, the variables can be accessed by index. The env_vector::size() function gives the number of variables and the env_vector::get and operator[] functions with an unsigned argument allow access by index. Note that these return the result as an STL pair of strings.
ENVIRON_TYPE envp (void) const;
This function gets the env_vector values in the class in the operating-system specific form expected by the subprocess classes. It is only really used within the subprocess classes since you are unlikely to use the raw data yourself. ENVIRON_TYPE is char** on Unix and char* on Windows.
Synchronous subprocesses are created using the subprocess class. The interface to this class is:
class stlplus::subprocess { public: subprocess(void); virtual ~subprocess(void); void add_variable(const std::string& name, const std::string& value); bool remove_variable(const std::string& name); const env_vector& get_variables(void) const; bool spawn(const std::string& path, const stlplus::arg_vector& argv, bool connect_stdin = false, bool connect_stdout = false, bool connect_stderr = false); bool spawn(const std::string& command_line, bool connect_stdin = false, bool connect_stdout = false, bool connect_stderr = false); virtual bool callback(void); bool kill(void); int write_stdin(std::string& buffer); int read_stdout(std::string& buffer); int read_stderr(std::string& buffer); void close_stdin(void); void close_stdout(void); void close_stderr(void); bool error(void) const; std::string error_text(void) const; int exit_status(void) const; };
The constructor does nothing but initialise the internal data structures. The actual subprocess spawn operation is deferred until the spawn() method is called.
Prior to calling subprocess::spawn(), the set of environment variables to be used by the child can be modified using the subprocess::add_variable() and subprocess::remove_variable() methods. The initial set of variables are the same as are present in the parent process.
The subprocess::spawn() methods actually create and run the subprocess. They do not return until the subprocess has completed (this is a synchronous subprocess). The return value of the spawn function is true if the spawn succeeded and false if it failed.
The first form of the subprocess::spawn() function takes two main arguments - the command and an argument vector. This is the most flexible option since it gives more control over the running of the subprocess. Bear in mind that an stlplus::arg_vector is a platform-independent form.
The command should be the name of the program to run. No path lookup is performed so this must be a full path unless the program happens to be in the current directory. This is the case if you have created a temporary script file, but is generally not the case. To perform path lookup, use the stlplus::path_lookup function provided by file_system.hpp.
The argv argument is the command name and its arguments in an stlplus::arg_vector object.
In addition to these main arguments, there are three switches which control which of the standard streams are to be connected by pipes between the current subprocess object (known as the parent) and the subprocess (known as the child). If you specify, for example, that connect_stdin is true, then the standard input of the child will be connected to the parent object by a pipe which can be written to from the parent. If a switch is false, then the relevant standard stream will be connected to the terminal.
The second form of subprocess::spawn() is similar, but instead of the separate main arguments, it takes a command line as a single string. This command line is executed just as if it was running in a shell. Path lookup is carried out to find the program to run and the program is run with the default stlplus::env_vector, which is the same environment as the parent process.
In both cases, if the spawn of the subprocess is successful, the subprocess::spawn() method will call the parent subprocess::callback() member function, wait for it to complete, wait for the child to finish, then return.
The subprocess::callback() method is made virtual because this is used to customise the subprocess class. The default subprocess::callback() function just closes all the pipes and returns. You can modify this behaviour by creating a subclass with a different callback() method. This is the only method you have to provide (although you may need to also provide a destructor if there is any closing down to be done).
For example, if you wish to read the text coming from the child process's stdout stream, you would write a callback() function to do this. The stlplus::backtick_subprocess is in fact a predefined derivative which does exactly that and will be described later.
Within the callback() method, the streams are manipulated using the provided functions. For example, to read from the standard output, use the subprocess::read_stdout function. These functions are written in a platform-independent way so that you do not need to know the different implementations of pipes used on different operating systems.
The subprocess::write_stdin function takes a single argument, a buffer string. The buffer contains the text to be written. When text is written, the text is removed from the string to show this.
The return value of subprocess::write_stdin is the number of characters written. If this is less than the total length of the buffer, then the pipe has filled and you should try writing the remainder later. Note that the subprocess::write_stdin method will have removed the text written from the string, so the buffer will already contain only the remaining text to be written. You may need to clear the output and error pipes first. In fact, if you are writing that much text you should consider using the asynchronous subprocesses instead since they are more suited to interleaved input and output.
When you have finished writing to standard input, you should signal to the child that you have finished by closing the standard input pipe with subprocess::close_stdin. This is the normal convention when using pipes to indicate to the child process that there is no more text to process and that the child can finish as soon as it has processed all of its input.
The subprocess::read_stdout and subprocess::read_stderr methods also take one argument - a buffer string to receive the text. The read should be called repeatedly to get the text from the child until the read function returns -1 indicating the end of the text. The callback() function should then return. To close the pipes, call one of the close functions.
Note: it is not necessary to close the output and error pipes yourself, just return from the parent function and the fork function will close them. You only need to close the input pipe to signal that the child is to exit.
Note: The read functions return -1 to indicate no more text. This may be due to end-of-file being detected or an error on the pipe. Test the subprocess::error() function to see which has occurred.
The return value of your overloaded callback() method can be used to control child termination. If your version of callback() returns true, the child will be allowed to run to completion and the subprocess::spawn() function will not return until that has happened. If your callback() function returns false, however, the spawn function will kill the child process immediately and then return.
The subprocess class keeps a record of any errors that happen during the execution of the child subprocess. You can test for the existence of an error using the subprocess::error() function, which returns true if there is an error. Some useful diagnostic text for printing out to the user can be obtained from the subprocess::error_text() function.
Similarly, the exit status of the child process can be recovered using the subprocess::exit_status() function. Typically, a status of 0 indicates successful completion and non-zero values indicate some kind of error. This is an error in the program running as a child, whereas the subprocess::error() described above relates to errors in the parent whilst trying to run the child.
There is a special derivative of the subprocess class called stlplus::backtick_subprocess. This is so-called because it is roughly equivalent to the Unix shell backtick operator. For example, in Unix shells, you can run a subprocess, capture its output and return this as a string like this:
This executes the pwd
command, captures its output as a string and assigns
the value to the variable current_directory
This is a very useful operation and so the stlplus::backtick_subprocess is probably the most useful subprocess class.
The interface to the backtick_subprocess is:
class stlplus::backtick_subprocess : public stlplus::subprocess { public: backtick_subprocess(void); virtual bool callback(void); bool spawn(const std::string& path, const arg_vector& argv); bool spawn(const std::string& command_line); const std::vector<std::string>& text(void) const; std::vector<std::string>& text(void); };
This has slightly modified spawn methods, since the user has no control over which pipes are connected - the standard output of the child is automatically connected to the parent and the other two pipes are left disconnected. Apart from this they are the same as the subprocess::spawn commands. The only thing you need to know about this class is that when the spawn function returns, the text field in the class contains the output text of the child process and the subprocess::error method will give error status. Note that the return value of the spawn function is still significant - it is false if the spawn failed, true if the command run successfully. The text field is only valid if the spawn method returns true.
Note: only the standard output is captured, just as with the shell equivalent. If you wish to capture the standard error, write the command so that it redirects standard error to standard output. Alternatively, if you want to write a function that reads both output and error pipes, you should use asynchronous subprocesses (see later) since they implement non-blocking reads on these two pipes, thus allowing them to be interleaved.
The text field is a std::vector<std::string> so the line-breaks in the output are preserved. The text field contains one string for every line of output received from the child process.
To make life even easier, there are pre-packaged forms of the stlplus::backtick_subprocess class in functions called stlplus::backtick:
std::vector<std::string> stlplus::backtick(const std::string& path, const stlplus::arg_vector& argv); std::vector<std::string> stlplus::backtick(const std::string& command_line);
These create an stlplus::backtick_subprocess, run the spawn method, collect the output and return the result, all in one function call. The only disadvantage of this functional form is there is no return value to test for success and no way to get any error messages. If the command fails, the return value will be empty. However, it will also be empty if the command didn't produce any output and you cannot tell the difference between these two outcomes. However, for commands which you definitely know produce output, the empty array is a safe test for failure.
An asynchronous subprocess is one which runs in the background whilst your program continues with other work.
Asynchronous subprocesses are created using the stlplus::async_subprocess class. The interface to this class is:
class stlplus::async_subprocess { public: async_subprocess(void); virtual ~async_subprocess(void); void add_variable(const std::string& name, const std::string& value); bool remove_variable(const std::string& name); const env_vector& get_variables(void) const; bool spawn(const std::string& path, const stlplus::arg_vector& argv, bool connect_stdin = false, bool connect_stdout = false, bool connect_stderr = false); bool spawn(const std::string& command_line, bool connect_stdin = false, bool connect_stdout = false, bool connect_stderr = false); virtual bool callback(void); bool tick(void); bool kill(void); int write_stdin(std::string& buffer); int read_stdout(std::string& buffer); int read_stderr(std::string& buffer); void close_stdin(void); void close_stdout(void); void close_stderr(void); bool error(void) const; std::string error_text(void) const; int exit_status(void) const; };
This is very similar to the synchronous subprocess and I will only explain the differences.
The main difference is that the async_subprocess::spawn methods return immediately after the child starts, rather than when it finishes. The return value of async_subprocess::spawn is true if the child started and false if it doesn't. However, the child is left running.
To test whether the child is still running, you need to call the async_subprocess::tick method periodically. The async_subprocess::tick method normally returns true, but will return false when the child has finished. If you don't care whether its still running you can just leave it running in the background. The child will terminate when it has finished or when the async_subprocess::kill method is called or when the async_subprocess object is destroyed.
Note that destroying the class terminates the child - this class implements an asynchronous subprocess, not a detached process.
Each time the async_subprocess::tick method is called, it calls async_subprocess::callback(). This makes the callback() method different from the synchronous form in that it will be called many times, not just once. The callback() method can do I/O. However, you can also do I/O directly from outside the class using the provided read and write functions, so there is no real need to provide a customised callback() function. This facility has been provided for the rare cases where this way of working is easier to implement.
As before, the callback() method can be used to control the child - it can return false, in which case the async_subprocess::tick() method will kill the child. the same can be done from outside the class by calling the async_subprocess::kill() method directly.
Note: always use the async_subprocess::kill method in the class to terminate the child, which has been ported to Unix and Windows, not the Unix kill function which is non-portable to Windows.
Warning: The async_subprocess::read_stdout and async_subprocess::read_stderr methods implement non-blocking I/O, but the async_subprocess::write_stdin only does so on Unix. So far I have not found a way of doing non-blocking writes on Windows.
Note: if you know of such a method, please tell me about it.
This limitation has an affect on the way you use the functions - you should only perform a write when you know that the standard input pipe has enough buffer space to accept the write and that the other input/error pipes are not blocked by text waiting to be read. In general you should read from those pipes first, then write to the standard input. The final choice depends on what you know about the command running in the subprocess.
When performing reads, the read functions will return immediately, they will not block. The return value is -1 for an error or for end-of-file. These two cases can be differentiated by whether there is an async_subprocess::error(). It will return 0 if there was no text to read and >0 if text was read successfully. Note that the buffer is appended with the specified number of bytes, so the string will become longer with each successive read unless you explicitly erase it between reads.
The non-blocking nature of the read operations allows you to read both standard output and standard error by interleaving the calls to the read functions.
The main trick when using asynchronous subprocesses is to not give up reading the output too soon. Typically the child will finish before the output buffers have been read by the parent. Therefore a good strategy is to read the output until end of file is found, then keep calling async_subprocess::tick() until the subprocess exits. It is then poossible to test the exit status. Note that you must call async_subprocess::tick() until it returns false to ensure that the subprocess does exit properly and the status can be caught. On Unix for example, not doing this will leave so-called "Zombie" processes behind.
Here's an example that does just this:
std::string input = ...; std::string output; for(;;) { // the input string is consumed by the write, so will be zero length when all writing is finished if (input.size() == 0) async.close_stdin(); // this will be called many times - no problem else async.write_stdin(input); // could test for error - returns -1 int read = async.read_stdout(output); // test for end of input if (read == -1) { // now wait for the subprocess to exit while(async.tick()) ; break; } } if (async.error()) std::cerr << "error detected - " << async.error_text() << std::std::endl; std::cerr << "command exited with status " << async.exit_status() << std::std::endl;
Of course, in practice, the only reason for using an asynchronous subprocess is that you want to do other things whilst it is running, so those other activities would be added to the main loop. Alternatively, a single read/write combination could be done each time round an event loop in a GUI (or more likely only on idle events).