// Author: Andy Rushton
// Copyright: (c) Southampton University 1999-2004
// (c) Andy Rushton 2004 onwards
// License: BSD License, see ../docs/license.html
// Simplified access to representations of time and conversions between them.
// The motivation for this package is that the low-level system calls for
// accessing time are ugly and therefore potentially error-prone. I hope that
// this interface is much simpler and therefore easier to use and more likely
// to yield first-time right programs.
// time is represented as the built-in integer type time_t - this is the
// standard representation of system time in computerland and represents the
// number of seconds since midnight 1 Jan 1970, believe it or not.
// Functions are provided here for converting to and from more
// human-comprehendable forms.
#include "portability_fixes.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
namespace stlplus
// get the integer representing the time now
time_t time_now(void);
// get the integer representing the requested time - the local time is expressed in the local timezone
time_t localtime_create(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second);
// extract human-centric form of the machine representation time_t
int localtime_year(time_t); // the year e.g. 1962
int localtime_month(time_t); // the month, numbered 1-12 e.g. August = 8
int localtime_day(time_t); // the day of the month numbered 1-31 e.g. 29
int localtime_hour(time_t); // the hour of day numbered 0-23
int localtime_minute(time_t); // minute past the hour numbered 0-59
int localtime_second(time_t); // second past the minute numbered 0-59
int localtime_weekday(time_t); // the day of the week numbered 0-6 with 0=Sunday
int localtime_yearday(time_t); // the number of days into the year
// convert the integer representation of time to a human-readable form
std::string localtime_string(time_t);
// convert a time delay in seconds to human-readable form
std::string delaytime_string(time_t);
} // end namespace stlplus