// Author: Andy Rushton
// Copyright: (c) Southampton University 1999-2004
// (c) Andy Rushton 2004 onwards
// License: BSD License, see ../docs/license.html
// Persistence of C-style char* strings
// These are handled differently to other pointer types
// Warning! This means that pointers to char cannot be supported, since there
// is no type difference between a pointer to char and a C-style array of char.
// Warning! The restore deletes any old value of the data parameter and
// allocates a new char* which is (just) big enough and assigns it to the data
// field. This is because there is no way of knowing how long a char* is so
// the passed parameter is not safe to use. The allocation is done using
// standard new. If the data field is non-null on entry it will be deleted by
// standard delete. Best to make it null in the first place.
#include "persistence_fixes.hpp"
#include "persistent_contexts.hpp"
namespace stlplus
// exceptions: persistent_dump_failed
void dump_cstring(dump_context&, const char* data) ;
// exceptions: persistent_restore_failed
void restore_cstring(restore_context&, char*& data) ;
} // end namespace stlplus