// Author: Andy Rushton
// Copyright: (c) Southampton University 1999-2004
// (c) Andy Rushton 2004 onwards
// License: BSD License, see ../docs/license.html
// A templated n-ary tree data structure. STL-like but the definition of
// iterators is really only applicable to one-dimensional structures. I use
// iterators to access tree nodes, but there is no increment or decrement
// operators for them. I also define prefix and postfix traversal iterators
// which do have increment.
#include "containers_fixes.hpp"
#include "exceptions.hpp"
#include "safe_iterator.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
namespace stlplus
// Internals
template<typename T> class ntree_node;
template<typename T> class ntree;
template<typename T, typename TRef, typename TPtr> class ntree_iterator;
template<typename T, typename TRef, typename TPtr> class ntree_prefix_iterator;
template<typename T, typename TRef, typename TPtr> class ntree_postfix_iterator;
// Iterators
// Simple iterators which are just used as pointers to tree nodes.
// this is not really an iterator - it is a reference, i.e. an iterator with no increment
// unfortunately the STL does not provide for this rather useful concept
// I have called it an iterator for consistency, but it is really an element reference
// An uninitialised iterator is null - similarly, if you ask for the root of an empty tree or the parent of
// the root node then you get a null iterator.
template<typename T, typename TRef, typename TPtr>
class ntree_iterator : public safe_iterator<ntree<T>,ntree_node<T> >
// local type definitions
// iterator traits, were inherited from std::iterator but inheriting from that was deprecated in C++17
// there is no relevant iterator category since this is not incremenable
typedef void iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef TPtr pointer;
typedef TRef reference;
typedef void difference_type;
// an iterator points to an object whilst a const_iterator points to a const object
typedef ntree_iterator<T,T&,T*> iterator;
typedef ntree_iterator<T,const T&,const T*> const_iterator;
typedef ntree_iterator<T,TRef,TPtr> this_iterator;
// constructor to create a null iterator - you must assign a valid value to this iterator before using it
// Type conversion methods allow const_iterator and iterator to be converted
const_iterator constify(void) const;
iterator deconstify(void) const;
// tests useful for putting iterators into other STL structures and for testing whether iteration has completed
bool operator == (const this_iterator& r) const;
bool operator != (const this_iterator& r) const;
bool operator < (const this_iterator& r) const;
// access the node data - a const_iterator gives you a const element, an iterator a non-const element
// it is illegal to dereference an invalid (i.e. null or end) iterator
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
reference operator*(void) const;
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
pointer operator->(void) const;
friend class ntree<T>;
friend class ntree_prefix_iterator<T,TRef,TPtr>;
friend class ntree_postfix_iterator<T,TRef,TPtr>;
// Note: I had to make this public to get round a problem implementing persistence - it should be private
// you cannot create a valid iterator except by calling an ntree method that returns one
// constructor used by ntree to create a non-null iterator
explicit ntree_iterator(ntree_node<T>* node);
// constructor used by ntree to create an end iterator
explicit ntree_iterator(const ntree<T>* owner);
// used to create an alias of an iterator
explicit ntree_iterator(const safe_iterator<ntree<T>, ntree_node<T> >& iterator);
// Traversal iterators are like iterators but they have increment operators (++)
// - prefix_iterator visits the nodes of the tree in prefix order
// - postfix_iterator visits the nodes of the tree in postfix order.
// There is no such thing as infix order for an n-ary tree and you cannot
// traverse backwards with these iterators. These follow the STL convention in
// that you iterate from a begin to an end - in this case ntree exports
// prefix_begin()/prefix_end() and postfix_begin()/postfix_end(). You can
// simplify these iterators to the basic iterator above for functions that
// require a simple iterator.
template<typename T, typename TRef, typename TPtr>
class ntree_prefix_iterator
// iterator traits, were inherited from std::iterator but inheriting from that was deprecated in C++17
// the ntree iterators are unidirectional
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef TPtr pointer;
typedef TRef reference;
// this is not random access, so declare a void difference type, not sure this is supported by everything
// typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef void difference_type;
// an iterator points to an object whilst a const_iterator points to a const object
typedef ntree_prefix_iterator<T,T&,T*> iterator;
typedef ntree_prefix_iterator<T,const T&,const T*> const_iterator;
typedef ntree_prefix_iterator<T,TRef,TPtr> this_iterator;
typedef ntree_iterator<T,TRef,TPtr> simple_iterator;
// constructor to create a null iterator - you must assign a valid value to this iterator before using it
// tests
// a null iterator is one that has not been initialised with a value yet
// i.e. you just declared it but didn't assign to it
bool null(void) const;
// an end iterator is one that points to the end element of the list of nodes
// in STL conventions this is one past the last valid element and must not be dereferenced
bool end(void) const;
// a valid iterator is one that can be dereferenced
// i.e. non-null and non-end
bool valid(void) const;
// Type conversion methods allow const_iterator and iterator to be converted
// convert an iterator/const_iterator to a const_iterator
const_iterator constify(void) const;
iterator deconstify(void) const;
// generate a simple iterator from a traversal iterator
simple_iterator simplify(void) const;
// tests useful for putting iterators into other STL structures and for testing whether iteration has completed
bool operator == (const this_iterator& r) const;
bool operator != (const this_iterator& r) const;
bool operator < (const this_iterator& r) const;
// increment/decrement operators used to step through the set of all nodes in a graph
// it is only legal to increment a valid iterator
// pre-increment
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
this_iterator& operator ++ (void);
// post-increment
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
this_iterator operator ++ (int);
// access the node data - a const_iterator gives you a const element, an iterator a non-const element
// it is illegal to dereference an invalid (i.e. null or end) iterator
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
reference operator*(void) const;
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
pointer operator->(void) const;
friend class ntree<T>;
friend class ntree_iterator<T,TRef,TPtr>;
simple_iterator m_iterator;
explicit ntree_prefix_iterator(const simple_iterator& i);
const simple_iterator& get_iterator(void) const;
simple_iterator& get_iterator(void);
template<typename T, typename TRef, typename TPtr>
class ntree_postfix_iterator
// iterator traits, were inherited from std::iterator but inheriting from that was deprecated in C++17
// the ntree iterators are unidirectional
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef TPtr pointer;
typedef TRef reference;
// this is not random access, so declare a void difference type, not sure this is supported by everything
// typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef void difference_type;
typedef ntree_postfix_iterator<T,T&,T*> iterator;
typedef ntree_postfix_iterator<T,const T&,const T*> const_iterator;
typedef ntree_postfix_iterator<T,TRef,TPtr> this_iterator;
typedef ntree_iterator<T,TRef,TPtr> simple_iterator;
// constructor to create a null iterator - you must assign a valid value to this iterator before using it
// tests
// a null iterator is one that has not been initialised with a value yet
// i.e. you just declared it but didn't assign to it
bool null(void) const;
// an end iterator is one that points to the end element of the list of nodes
// in STL conventions this is one past the last valid element and must not be dereferenced
bool end(void) const;
// a valid iterator is one that can be dereferenced
// i.e. non-null and non-end
bool valid(void) const;
// Type conversion methods allow const_iterator and iterator to be converted
// convert an iterator/const_iterator to a const_iterator
const_iterator constify(void) const;
iterator deconstify(void) const;
// generate a simple iterator from a traversal iterator
simple_iterator simplify(void) const;
// tests useful for putting iterators into other STL structures and for testing whether iteration has completed
bool operator == (const this_iterator& r) const;
bool operator != (const this_iterator& r) const;
bool operator < (const this_iterator& r) const;
// increment/decrement operators used to step through the set of all nodes in a graph
// it is only legal to increment a valid iterator
// pre-increment
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
this_iterator& operator ++ (void);
// post-increment
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
this_iterator operator ++ (int);
// access the node data - a const_iterator gives you a const element, an iterator a non-const element
// it is illegal to dereference an invalid (i.e. null or end) iterator
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
reference operator*(void) const;
// exceptions: null_dereference,end_dereference
pointer operator->(void) const;
friend class ntree<T>;
friend class ntree_iterator<T,TRef,TPtr>;
simple_iterator m_iterator;
explicit ntree_postfix_iterator(const simple_iterator& i);
const simple_iterator& get_iterator(void) const;
simple_iterator& get_iterator(void);
// The Ntree class
template<typename T>
class ntree
// STL-like typedefs for the types and iterators
typedef T value_type;
typedef ntree_iterator<T,T&,T*> iterator;
typedef ntree_iterator<T,const T&,const T*> const_iterator;
typedef ntree_prefix_iterator<T,T&,T*> prefix_iterator;
typedef ntree_prefix_iterator<T,const T&,const T*> const_prefix_iterator;
typedef ntree_postfix_iterator<T,T&,T*> postfix_iterator;
typedef ntree_postfix_iterator<T,const T&,const T*> const_postfix_iterator;
typedef std::vector<iterator> iterator_vector;
typedef std::vector<const_iterator> const_iterator_vector;
// Constructors, destructors and copies
// copy constructor and assignment both copy the tree
ntree(const ntree<T>&);
ntree<T>& operator=(const ntree<T>&);
// size tests
// tests on whole tree
bool empty(void) const;
unsigned size(void) const;
// tests for number of nodes in subtree starting at node
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
unsigned size(const const_iterator& node) const;
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
unsigned size(const iterator& node);
// test for depth of tree from root to node
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
unsigned depth(const const_iterator& node) const;
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
unsigned depth(const iterator& node);
// direct traversal
// get the root node's iterator to start the traversal
const_iterator root(void) const;
iterator root(void);
// get the number of children of this node, so they can be accessed 0..n-1
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
unsigned children(const const_iterator& node) const;
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
unsigned children(const iterator& node);
// get the iterator for a child given it's offset into the children array
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
const_iterator child(const const_iterator& node, unsigned child) const;
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
iterator child(const iterator& node, unsigned child);
// search a node's children array to find a child given its iterator
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
unsigned child_offset(const const_iterator& node, const const_iterator& child) const;
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
unsigned child_offset(const iterator& node, const iterator& child);
// go back up the tree by getting the iterator to a node's parent - the parent of root is null
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
const_iterator parent(const const_iterator& node) const;
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
iterator parent(const iterator& node);
// iterator traversal
const_prefix_iterator prefix_begin(void) const;
prefix_iterator prefix_begin(void);
const_prefix_iterator prefix_end(void) const;
prefix_iterator prefix_end(void);
const_postfix_iterator postfix_begin(void) const;
postfix_iterator postfix_begin(void);
const_postfix_iterator postfix_end(void) const;
postfix_iterator postfix_end(void);
// breadth-first traversal
const_iterator_vector breadth_first_traversal(void) const;
iterator_vector breadth_first_traversal(void);
// modification
// insert a node
// discard previous contents and create a new root node
iterator insert(const T&);
// add a new child inserted into the node's children at the specified place
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
iterator insert(const iterator& node, unsigned child, const T&);
// shortcut for insert at the end i.e. tree.insert(node, node.children(), value)
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
iterator insert(const iterator& node, const T&);
// old name for the above
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
iterator append(const iterator& node, const T&);
// insert a copy of a subtree
// discard previous contents and copy the tree
iterator insert(const ntree<T>&);
// add a copy of the tree as a new child inserted into the node's children at the specified place
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
iterator insert(const iterator& node, unsigned child, const ntree<T>&);
// shortcut for insert at the end i.e. tree.insert(node, node.children(), value)
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
iterator insert(const iterator& node, const ntree<T>&);
// old name for the above
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
iterator append(const iterator& node, const ntree<T>&);
// insert the subtree without copying
// discard previous contents and move the tree without copying
// invalidates all iterators to the old tree
iterator move(ntree<T>&);
// move the tree to become the designated child
// invalidates all iterators to the old tree
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
iterator move(const iterator& node, unsigned child, ntree<T>&);
// shortcut for move to the last child i.e. node.move(node, node.children(), value)
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
iterator move(const iterator& node, ntree<T>&);
// insert/erase in the middle of a tree
// replace the node with the new value, pushing the old node down to make it the child
// returns the iterator to the new, pushed node
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
iterator push(const iterator& node, const T&);
// erases the specified child, moving its children up to become the node's children
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
void pop(const iterator& node, unsigned child);
// erase nodes and subtrees
// erase the whole tree
void erase(void);
// erase the node and all its children
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
void erase(const iterator& node);
// erase the specified child
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
void erase_child(const iterator& node, unsigned child);
// synonym for above
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
void erase(const iterator& node, unsigned child);
// erase all children of the node, but leave the node
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
void erase_children(const iterator& node);
// extract a subtree as a copy leaving the original tree unchanged
// get a copy of the tree as a tree
ntree<T> subtree(void);
// get a copy of the subtree as a tree with the specified node as root
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
ntree<T> subtree(const iterator& node);
// get a copy of the subtree as a tree with the specified child as root
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
ntree<T> subtree(const iterator& node, unsigned child);
// extract a subtree by moving the contents
// move the whole tree to make a new tree
ntree<T> cut(void);
// move the subtree to make a new tree with the specified node as root
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference
ntree<T> cut(const iterator& node);
// move the subtree to make a new tree with the specified child as root
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
ntree<T> cut(const iterator& node, unsigned child);
// re-ordering of child nodes
// reorder the children of a node
// moves the child at the given offset to the new offset, reordering its siblings to make room
// this preserves the order of the remaining siblings but not their positions e.g. reorder([a,b,c,d],0,3) = [b,c,d,a]
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
void reorder(const iterator& node, unsigned child_offset, unsigned new_offset);
// swap two children of a node
// swaps the child at the given offset with the new offset
// this preserves the position of the remaining siblings e.g. swap([a,b,c,d],0,3) = [d,b,c,a]
// exceptions: wrong_object,null_dereference,end_dereference,std::out_of_range
void swap(const iterator& node, unsigned child1, unsigned child2);
ntree_node<T>* m_root;
} // end namespace stlplus
#include "ntree.tpp"